TC Grading Guide
1 For Time Computer Pulsar LED WristwatchesGold-filled, Solid Gold and Stainless Steel LED watches only.
Many different watch-grading guides exist but ultimately there is no substitute for a complete and thorough description accompanied with good quality close-up photos. Therefore, the grading used in this guide is to be used in conjunction with a detailed description and photos as a guideline of this Grading Guide. If anything is in question for a confident decision to purchase any watch, please contact the seller and ask for more specific information!
NOS (New Old Stock) is a term used on many internet and auction websites for grading watches. For the most part, this term has been grossly abused and misunderstood. Technically, the NOS term should only be considered as the status in which the watch was found and the buyer should always be skeptical of the true condition. Under these guidelines, anyone using the TC Grading Guide, shall not use the term "NOS" for grading any timepiece.
Note: hundreds of thousands of Time Computer watches were shipped to dealers around the world, it is possible to come across a NOS watch, but it�s extremely rare. Demand for these highly collectable 30 plus year old watches have many collectors and resellers perfecting restoration techniques. A high percentage of watches claiming to be NOS have been totally or partially restored and would fool most any novice! will not use this term in any description for watches in our "Watches For Sale" section. As a serious collector since 1988, any rare, truly NOS watches (out of the hundreds that have passed by me) will remain in my personal collection!
Mint is a grading term I personally think of, and believe should be kept to Coin Collecting. This is another term that has been grossly misused! The definition of this word is open for interpretation! Once again, anyone using the TC Grading Guide, the term "Mint" shall not be used for grading.
Flawless � Like new, no flaws of any kind, watch is as if never worn. Every part and surface of the watch is as it came from the factory and without flaws. The fully working electronic module is 100% original and not been repaired. If the watchcase, bracelet or clasp has been restored, it must be mentioned. The crystal and logo (if required) must be perfect. The highest regards for perfection should be considered.
Near Flawless � Like new, very minor flaws that cannot be seen without a loupe. No visible wear anywhere on the watch to the naked eye. The fully working electronic module is 100% original and not been repaired. If the watchcase, bracelet or clasp have been restored, it must be mentioned. The crystal may have one very minor flaw not immediately visible but no scratches or chips. The logo must be perfect. Detailed description of any and all flaws.
Excellent � Used with very little visible wear, very few minor scratches, and no dents in the case or bracelet. The working electronic module is 100% original with or without repairs. The crystal may have one or two minor flaws with no deep scratches or chips. The logo may have one small part of one letter of the logo missing but must be 95% complete
Good � Used with visible wear, worn but not abused. May have minor scratches with one or two deeper scratches in the case or bracelet but restorable. One or two small dents in the case or band but restorable. The working electronic module is 100% original with or without repairs. The crystal may have one or two minor flaws and/or a few deeper scratches and/or chips. The logo must be at least 80% complete.
Poor � Working or Non-working with considerable wear. Dents in the case and/or band with deep scratches in the case and/or bracelet that are not restorable. Gold-fill worn through in some places. The electronic module is 100% original with or without repairs. The crystal has deep scratches and/or chips. The logo must be at least 50% visible.
4-Parts � Non-working, heavy wear with dents in the case and/or band with deep scratches in the case and/or bracelet that are not restorable. Gold-fill worn through in some places with deep scratches. Missing or incomplete bracelet. The electronic module is not repairable and may be missing but if missing must be included in description. The crystal has deep scratches and/or chips with little or no logo showing.
1 This includes all models of the Hamilton and Omega LED watches manufactured to utilize the same Time Computer electronic modules used in their Pulsar brand LED watches. Because watches that are gold-plated can not be restored or refinished, this Grading Guide is for LED watches that are made of solid stainless steel, solid gold or gold-fill. In addition, LED watches that have crystals made of materials other than Sapphire or Mineralite Glass are not included in the TC Grading Guide. The TC Grading Guide may be printed or republished only in its complete, unchanged and unedited state. This footnote must also be included if republished. � 2007 Dennis L. Klein and